Monday, September 28, 2009

I just wanted to get my first blog out there. Just about everyone I know has one and I decided that I am not a technical misfit!! I am now 46 (wow that was hard to write) and married. I live at home with my husband and 17 (soon to be 18) year old son. I work two jobs. But here are the facts that make me what I am. I love anything that Tim Burton does-my favorite still being the "Nightmare Before Christmas". I actually have a pretty extensive collection from that movie. Which in turn has given me a huge turn on to Johnny Depp. I love what his work and he is so damn fine!!! I am a sensation seeker so I love things that go fast and give me that adrenaline rush that so many people crave.
I absolutely adore my family and I feel really close to most of them. My sadness is that so many of them live out of town, but I am making a huge effort so visit them-especially the ones in California.
My favorite vacation spot is either the "Happiest Place on Earth" with the beach being a close second. I have spent endless hours at Disneyland. It truly is a place that you can forget the world for a little while.
I have been married for 22 years and have 4 kids. Who in turn have 5 between them at this point. They are all so precious. People tell you a little about the love you have when you become a parent-but becoming a grandparent is intense!!
I hope I can eventually get to know all my brothers and sisters and pray they feel the same way someday.
I have my own home business during the day and at night I work in the world of drugs and alcohol. I hope and pray that I make a difference in people's lives. I am taking on a third job soon in the business world. My cousins are amazing and have all kinds of ideas and creations that I truly believe in. They are including me in on what they do--so far with the Shade Wagon and their BFF (Black Friday Forever) line of apparel. Check them both out.
I hope to just let people know what is on my mind and get advise and news from anyone who cares to share!

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, you are SO AMAZING!! I have looked up to you my ENTIRE life!! can't WAIT till we can all just enjoy life without working so hard! it's just around the corner! I LOVE your blog name!!
